Trouble sleeping?

Having trouble sleeping because of the roaring Tinnitus? Most people have trouble sleeping with Tinnitus so you are not alone. I have made this poster with ideas that worked for me when I am trying to sleep and I noticed a change within a few weeks. I have also attached an image from British Tinnitus Association showing how Tinnitus can effect your sleep.

Please be sure to like and share this with your friends as it could really benefit someone.


TinnitusTogether Facebook

A bizarre trick that may work for you!

1)Place the palms of your hands over your ears so your fingers wrap around the back of your head.

2)Set your middle fingers on the top of your neck right at the base of your skull.

3)Put your index fingers on top of your middle fingers and apply pressure.

4)Now snap them on the back of your head over and over like you’re drumming.

Repeat it about 50 times.

This little trick I was skeptical at first but when trying it I had a slight relief of my Tinnitus, for about a few minutes and everything went back to normal. It definitely isn’t a miracle cure but it’s something you can try if your Tinnitus is getting to intense. Let me know how you got on!

Tinnitus is increasing

The figures for hearing loss and Tinnitus is a hard one to estimate because the number of cases are on the rise every single day. But when you put the figures down that are already there it is unreal. And it is scary that these figures are rising as we speak.
Give this a like and a share to let people know that they aren’t alone when suffering with this condition, as some people think they are. #TinnitusAwareness 


Food and Tinnitus

Give some of these superfoods and vitamins a try to help reduce the noise of your Tinnitus. Give yourself a few weeks trying them and see if they make a difference! Best of luck. It would mean the world if you liked my Facebook page here and let me know what you think TinnitusTogether


Other ways to get Tinnitus (protect those ears!)

Many people think you can just get Tinnitus by loud noises, but that really is not the case. Here are only some of the ways you can get Tinnitus. Lets raise awareness of this condition that effects one in six of us, by giving it a like and a share you could really help someone out.

On a side note I went to Prague for 4 nights and it is the most beautiful city I have ever seen. And what made it even better was that my Tinnitus was barely noticeable, only when I was laying in bed I could hear it. Stress is known to make Tinnitus worse so therefore I am going to try and live a stress free life like I did in Prague (wish me luck!)

Read more at my Facebook TinnitusTogether

Tinnitus and popular party drug

A scientific study in New Zealand has completed trials with the goal of proving that tinnitus, a condition characterized by uncontrollable ringing in the ears, can be cured using MDMA, a common rave and party drug.
What are your thoughts on this? Could this be a breakthrough? 

Make sure you share this to raise awareness for Tinnitus 


New blockbuster

The film #BabyDriver is set to release in mid August 2017, Starring Jamie Foxx it’s about a young man that has Tinnitus on a daily basis and listens to music constantly having earphones in to drain out the noise. This film has brought a lot of attention and press over recently due to the trailer being released.
I personally think this will spread so much awareness about Tinnitus if it doesn’t glamorise it too much. What is your take on this?
You can see the trailer and a synopsis on what it is about and more details here

“Baby Driver tells the story of a young getaway driver named Baby who suffers from tinnitus, and hence constantly listens to music to avoid feeling annoyance or pain.”…/baby-driver-review-edgar-wri…/amp




If you want to do your bit by sharing this post just so people know they aren’t alone suffering as many people think they are. Someone on your friends list could benefit from this a lot.
TinnitusTogether is a community that provides information and aide for those wanting to learn or suffering with the disorder that effects one in six people around the world. I’m a 21 year old man that suffers from it on a daily bases. And the reason why I created this community is to talk to people just like me. Being a sufferer from it i know its embarrassing to talk about it to others that don’t have it, so this page is for people to talk about it. So if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to about the condition, please feel free to message us about it as you’re not alone. 

I will be doing various charity events in the near future raising money for loss of hearing and tinnitus.

It would mean the absolute world if you could like this page and support it, if you have any questions about it or just have a chat I’m always active on that page.

Click this to like it, it doesnt take long. thank you 

Thank you for reading 
